Submission of Abstracts
Instructions for presentations
All presentations should address/reflect postdisciplinarity and the theme of knowledge as disobedience, expression and creativity. Send us a brief explanation of how your ideas link to the themes of this conference and an example of what & how you would like to present. This will enable the members of the Scientific Committee to assess the relevance and quality of your work, and plan the logistics for the event.
For research papers: submit an abstract between 200-300 words including references.
For audio-visual presentations or similar: submit a summary between 150-200 words describing the aims and/or the conceptual basis of your work. An example/trailer of any audio-visual material may be useful (e.g. 3-5 min visual summary).
For exhibitions and performances: submit a summary between 150-200 words describing the aims and/or the conceptual basis of your work. A visual example (e.g., a photo/drawing) may be required.
For music, literary writings such as poetry or short stories: submit a brief text (150-200 words) explaining the connection of your work to the themes of the conference. A sample of your work may be required.
There will be a prize for the most creative and disobedient presentation!

Submission and Review Dates
All abstracts are to be submitted during one of the following three Submission rounds,
each submission will undergo a peer review by the Abstract Review Committee.
On acceptance, you will be able to register for the conference.
Please note, for delegates who wish to make the most of the early discounted registration, you will need to submit your abstract during Round 1 of the submissions,
in time for the first Review period.
Submission Round
Submission Date
Review Period
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
1st May, 2017 - 20th May, 2017
21st May, 2017 - 15th June, 2017
1st Aug. 2017 - 22 August 2017
15th Oct, 2017 - 15th Nov, 2017
16th June, 2017 - 30th July, 2017
23 August 2017 - 14th Oct, 2017
We have extended submissions until 24 November 2017. Please email your abstract directly to post.disciplinary@aut.ac.nz

Call for presentations
The aim of the 3rd International Conference on Postdisciplinary Approaches is to extend the boundaries of what constitutes ‘legitimate’ knowledge. The conference is open to academics from all walks of life, regardless of disciplinary background or affiliation. We welcome presentations dealing with postdisciplinarity approaches to knowledge as disobedience, expression and creativity.
Researchers are invited to present their knowledge production and passion in the form of research papers, movies or audio-visual material, exhibitions, performances, music, literary writings, such as poetry or short stories and other creative contributions. A combination of these forms of expression is much welcomed. We recognise that there are a number of different ways in which research can be communicated, and we are committed to accommodating the needs of individual and group expressions.
Help us promote this event!
Publishing Opportunities
Aside from the Conference Proceedings, we will work towards producing a special issue based on selected presentations at the Postdisciplinarity Conference 2018. The details of specific publications will be announced at a later stage. Please check our website for regular updates.
We are working hard on making this a fun, inclusive and empowering event. Forget PowerPoints and endless streams of talks… You will be immersed in flows of inspiration, sparked by vibrant conversations and stimulating ideas.
Liberate your mind!
We are looking forward to welcoming you in 2018!
Nga mihi
The Auckland postdisciplinary team
Presenting your Paper
We have decided to be disobedient about the order of your presentations!
Rather than dictating the intellectual flow of this conference, you will be able to choose your presentation time when you register. Each presentation will be 20 minutes long with additional 10 minutes for questions/discussion. Please referrer to the PROGRAMME tab to see the latest conference programme.
You will have a choice of 2 rooms- one is equipped with a PC, screen, and a sound system, the other offers a more informal setting for presentations that do not require the use of technology. Your talk, your choice!