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Get ready to get your hands dirty!

3rd International Conference on Postdisciplinary Approaches 2017

02-05 Feb 2017

Theme: Knowledge as Disobedience, Expression and Creativity.

A postdisciplinary workshop: Clay Habits


Clay Habits is a workshop and social art event designed to engage conference participants in a pandisciplinary experience with sculptural processes through making and sharing. Utilising the tropes of workshop activities and spaces of learning, clay will be used to activate a series of material interactions and to make a set of plates for use at a social occasion on the last day of the conference. It is likely that the clay will behave badly! Clay is notorious for taking control of the maker; it teaches you what you need to do in order to get it to behave how you want! As a material, clay is highly receptive to the conditions that surround it: touch, atmosphere, environment, situation, which in turn affects it’s objectness and potentially, it’s functionality. Conference goers will be working with the most expedient means within a 2-hr timeframe to make a plate that once fired and glazed will act as a material conduit for establishing social connectivity within the forum of participatory event-based art practice.


Ryder Jones is a sculptor and postgraduate alumni of Visual Arts at AUT. His most recent project, Every Circle is the Sun was produced while he was the inaugural AUT Library artist-in-residence. Ryder says of his practice: I am an artist working in the realm of sculpture. I make spaces, objects and furniture – these things entwine to form a broader whole. The way that I talk about my art practice is like this: artist as investigator, infatuated by a mystery as familiar as it is unexplained.

Monique Redmond is an Associate Professor Visual Arts at AUT University. Her art practice is formed primarily through collaborative and installation processes with a focus on the event as a durational space for everyday gestures of exchange, conversation and reciprocity. Monique is involved in a number of collaborations; Suburban Floral Association with Tanya Eccleston, A full season with Layne Waerea —and is a founding member of the Public Share collective.

Harriet Stockman M.A.D Visual Arts is the 3D Wet Lab Technician in School of Art & Design at AUT University. Her art practice is led by making, sharing, supporting, relationships, technicity, event, object and installation. Her point focus naturally shifts between these areas of interest depending on the project in front of her; however, a consistent companion to this milieu is clay and its associated environs. Harriet is also a founding member of the Public Share collective.

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